Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 99

Sharing skills, changing lives, drinking tea

A sight you don’t see all that often - 9 sulemias sitting around together on a week day discussing work! We had a TSO (Teacher Support Officer) meeting on Monday and Tuesday this week and discussed all sorts of teaching issues. Although we have lots of informal discussions with each other, it’s important to also share resources, talk about reporting and make sure we’re documenting the work we’re doing properly. It also means volunteers working more remotely can get a chance to see other people!

At our meeting were 5 TSOs, an MSO (Management Support Officer), a CASO (Community Advocacy Support Officer), a STSO (Science TSO) and a… Damien (who does something to do with Inclusion and Girl Child Education.) Most participants are new vols, so there was a lot of going over old ground but also lots of insightful conversation.

The next one is to be held on Day 2 and Day 1 of my countdown… L

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