Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 95

Today, I couldn’t decide what to put photos up of, so I’ve just a few taken from different things that I saw today.

Firstly, the children playing near a friend’s house. You rarely see children with toys in Ghana and I’ve seen few teddy bears. This little girl was delighted to be photographed “backing” her baby. I asked its name – she said Josephine. Then I asked her name, and she said Josephine…!

Next are some Christmas cookies we baked for the little Christmas gathering I had last night, doing my usual of using several different recipes and changing them to suit my Ghanaian ingredients. I don’t think my first time making my own icing was that successful, but the colour of the icing didn’t put people off too much.

We had a go at charades last night, but I realised that this is not my forte when I had trouble with miming Christmas.

And then Laylo the cat – after trying very hard to eat the donkey in the nativity scene, he gave up and slept, while others (not me!) dressed him up for the occasion.

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