Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 89

Today I went to see a neighbour in what had been described as a “cultural performance” or competition between different junior high schools.

On arrival at 10am when it was meant to start, the place was almost deserted. After an hour away and returning, nothing happening. Finally, after 12.30, they started.

The event was hosted by JHS teachers; the two in charge looked like they were in charge of some MTV awards or something; the lady was wearing a very figure hugging white dress and very high shoes and the man in black trousers, white and red t shirt and red accessories.

So, first up was the dancing. Lots and lots and lots and lots of girls and some boys coming up and dancing alone. The dancing was quite provocative and the male teachers seemed to be enjoying it more than they should. After that, there was what can only be described as some kind of Miss Ghana competition – girls walking up and down in high heels, then singing or dancing.

At this point it was about 3.30pm, and they were about to start on the singing. A teacher came over to see if we were enjoying it, and we asked when the drama was coming on. They, thankfully, switched things over so I saw the drama and then left about 4.15pm to do everything else I was planning on doing on that day. The drama performances were more educational than the other things – covering issues such as teen pregnancy, inappropriate relationships with teachers and going to earn money away from home and ending up in prostitution.

I’m not convinced that some of the items on the programme were really appropriate for children at JHS (12-16 year olds), certainly some of the dancing. But it was an interesting day and nice to see Emmanuel in his role as father in his school’s performance.

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