Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 98

Fried fish for lunch

Yes, I managed to get to day 3 without mentioning food. It is my first but certainly won’t be my last foody entry!

I’ve never been scared of trying new foods,though my time in Ghana certainly wins for some of the stranger things I’ve tried… more on that later. Pictured here is part of today’s lunch – wee deep fried fish – and yes, Sonia, you do eat the eyes - and then oranges – prepared the Ghanaian way where they take off most of the peel leaving the pith and cutting off the top so you can squeeze out the juice. Yummy! It’s surprising how common fish is considering we’re hundreds of miles from the sea here – amini is a very common ingredient in most sauces. Amini are tiny fish, which are smoked then grinded and added as a kind of stock. Surprisingly tasty.

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