Sunday, December 18, 2011

Day 96

One of my favourite things to do is going out for the evening, taking some drinks and some meat with Francis and Michael, two colleagues from the office.

They first invited me for a drink when I’d been in Ghana for about 6 or 7 months, and every few months we go out. Hannah joined our wee posse when she arrived last year.

Francis and Michael are both married and a bit older, so it’s a safe friendship – they are not trying to marry us like some (not all!) men. We can have real, honest conversations about Ghana, often talking about education and the problems of working in the education office in Ghana. Michael and Francis are Circuit Supervisors, so are middle management, often thought of as one of the hardest positions to be in. They supervise the work in a large cluster of schools – kindergarten, primary and junior highs. They have a certain level of authority, but not nearly as much as they’d have in a similar position in the UK.

We’re eating baa neno… and no, it’s not lamb…

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