Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Day 85

Today I went to visit Donald, a colleague who works in the general office. He fed me VERY well – rice, stew (tomato based sauce), smoked salmon (not the type we have but also tasty!) and sausage and chicken.

It was nice sitting with Donald and this type of thing is one thing I’ll miss most about Ghana. Ghanaians are very hospitable and generous and normally easy to be around. Silences aren’t a social problem the way they are at home – people are happy to sit and be. So it was a very easy day – eating, then watching a bit of a Ghanaian film and then Nigerian films (parts 1 and 2 of goodness knows how many!)

Films in West Africa can be quite explicit and ratings don’t really happen here. The Ghanaian film was about a group of 6 armed robbers, men and women in their 20s who seemed to be blackmailing a family. The Nigerian films were about trafficking women into Europe for prostitution… I didn’t quite follow as I kept dozing off after the feast, but it seemed to be one of the better Nigerian films I’ve seen. I’ve seen more films than I’d like to have seen, Nigerian films being a staple on most bus journeys to the south. The bus journey to Accra takes 14-18 hours if you do it in one (which we’re not allowed to anymore.) For some reason bus drivers seem to like to put them on after you’ve already been in the bus for about 8 hours and have just decided to have a wee sleep…

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