Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 83

I went to a colleague’s house tonight for a little get together, and took a few shots of his “compound”.

We sat in the garden drinking shandy and then eating some delicious food prepared by his wife – rice, stew, chicken, guinea fowl and a little pasta (prepared by some Dutch volunteers living with him). There’s a bit of a food theme here, rice etc!

The house has two parts – a traditional house (but a rather nice and modern one) which has walls with a small courtyard in the middle. This house is really nice as it has electricity (including a massive satellite dish) and the rooms are quite tall and I imagine not that small. I only went into the toilet, which was very nice by Ghanaian standards – it was a small room with a little hole in one wall, and is used for urinating and showering – you bring your own water in with you. In this house will probably live my colleague and his family, his mother and father and any brothers and their families.

The other building is the house my colleague is building for his family. It is half built and so he will move into it with his wife and son when it’s done.

It’s very common for men to build rooms/a house beside where their parents live and move into it when it is finally finished. This is sometimes in addition to another house (perhaps if they live elsewhere for work, even if that’s in another country).

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