Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 77

Today, after some nice riding to and from Walewale, I went to the Burkina Faso border. After riding to Walewale, you go to Namoo. It’s a journey not that dissimilar to the one to Gambaga – dirt, ridgey bits, passing through the odd village. First to Bongo, then another 15km of so until you reach the border.

I’m not quite sure if on this occasion I actually made it into Burkina – the police let us through for a wee walk up to the sign, but it might’ve been no-man’s land, I’m not really sure. Certainly, I was quite disappointed by the lack of women carrying baguettes on their heads, but my accident lack of CFA meant that if I had spotted such a sight, I wouldn’t have been able to purchase any.

Whilst in Ghana, I’ve visited Togo and Benin as well as Burkina Faso, and have been both impressed by the food there (steak, chips, cous cous and the aforementioned baguettes) and simultaneously disappointed that Ghanaians haven’t taken any cookery lessons from their neighbours!

On passing back into Ghana, the police asked if we’d taken any photos. I wasn’t sure of the answer – would “yes“ result in a fine? Would “no” elicit a “we saw you, don’t lie” and arrest? When we kept quiet, they told us to go back and snap some… which we politely declined!

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