Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 75

Tros… the way to travel in Ghana! I should really try and get a decent photo of the outside of one – basically like a minibus, holding between 18 and sometimes up to 40 people. Normally, they hold about 18 – four rows of four seats, and two in front with the driver. Three seats are fixed, and the fourth flips up so that people can get into the seats behind.

You buy your ticket, go and put your bag or some other item on your seat (or seats) and then when it’s full, you leave. One person one seat. Or rather, one ticket, one seat. Which means that it’s not uncommon for mother, baby and 4 year old to share one “seat” – which in practice means that if you are sitting next to said mother, you are likely to end up with a small child leaning on your lap during the journey.

And Fan Yogo! There are several varieties of Fan product – Fan Ice (very sweet ice cream that melts too quickly!), Fan Choco (choc variety of Fan Ice), Fan Pop (my favourite, pineapple juice frozen), Fandango (frozen very sweet orange juice) and Fan Yogo (strawberry frozen yoghurt).

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