Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 80

New Year’s Day

In contrast to yesterday's beauty of Africa, today is: Rubbish: small black bags (“rubbers”), water sachet packets, Fan ice wrappers (ice cream)… they are everywhere. This seemed to be a bit of an informal dump, though I’m not sure if it was also a river in the wet season. Not one of the most endearing features of the Ghanaian landscape, but common all over the country.

It’s surprising, as people spend hours sweeping their compounds every day, even when it seems that they are just moving the dust from their place to just outside, for it to only come back in again later the same day. But everyone (or almost everyone) drops their water sachet packet on the ground, or out of the tro window. There is little recycling in Ghana so this means so much wasted plastic.

A few places make nice wee purses out of old bags and packets, which is nice. However, in order to improve the situation, people will have to change the way they use bags.

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