Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 67

Religion again…

These pictures are of Fountaingate chapel. Fountaingate is a big evangelical church in Bolga. There are several branches around.

They were having a big conference over the new year and this is the signboard. Notice how high the traffic lights and street lights are to get an impression of how massive the sign is!

The church has a huge power here, and not all pastors are pastors for the right reasons. (I'm just talking in general here, I don't know specifically about this church.) Whatever you believe to be true, I think it can be dangerous when people put all their faith in the healing of God in the church – and not the healing of God through use of modern medicines. I worry that some people don’t seek medical help as they believe God will sort it out.

A Ghanaian friend who is a devout Catholic worries that also the church can push people away from them or force people to hide. For example, some churches won’t let young people have girlfriends or boyfriends unless they’re approved by the church. This means some people don’t let on they are in a relationship, so when they want advice about something, they can’t go to someone they respect in the church.

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