Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 72

A trip to the seamstress!

One of my favourite things to go – buy some pretty material and take it to Rita to make me something nice!

You go in, and if you don’t quite know what you want, you can look at one of the many pictures like this:

(I love the fact that the pictures have real-shaped Ghanaian ladies, no size 0s here!)

Then you get measured up and leave it with Rita and her girls. A few days later, return to collect your masterpiece! I’ve had many things made and have just made a list of all the things I want done before I go home. Compared to buying at home, it’s so cheap – a knee length dress will cost between Ghc6 and Ghc10 for material, and about Ghc8 to make. That’s at most Ghc18 = £7.20!

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