Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 36

Having work to do in Sirigu, Rach joined me on the long trip (almost an hour) to Sirigu early this morning.  While she studied, I went out to various schools, one of which had only one teacher in attendance this morning at 9am.  Five work there, which highlights one of the biggest problems in schools in rural Ghana – teacher attendance is absolutely shocking!  Sometimes teacher do have good excuses – they are sick, their child is sick…they have to go and get their salary… they have to go to a week long funeral of a distant cousin… they have to go to the market… they were tired…  In some small rural schools, nothing is going to change until teachers understand how important their presence is – though the constantly drunk teacher at this school should be told to never come back!

After some school visits, I came back and I took Rach for a Ghanaian lunch of kenkey which she ate quite happily.  Then we did some Sirigu painting before sleeping under the stars under mozzy nets!

 Some painting in Sirigu

Sleeping under the stars under a mozzie net.

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