Sunday, May 13, 2012

Day 16

Two photos for today as I had two nice Ghanaian experiences.

Fufu and light soup for lunch… erm, not me, but I watched on as Donald gobbled it up!  Fufu is pounded yam or plantain or cassava.  It’s rather sticky and stodgy, a bit of an acquired taste.  Light soup is a spicy, light, tomatoey soup.

Then a trip to see Francis and his lovely girls l-r back then front -  Francis, Emmanuella, Audrey, Maribel and Monica.  He has recently moved into his own house which he has built from scratch.  This is what Ghanaians generally do – save some money, start building their house and when it is possible move in.  Then keep saving and complete parts of their house when possible.

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