Saturday, January 16, 2010

Rachael came to visit (in November!)

My first guest - and the first guest of any VSO in Bolga and possibly Ghana - was Rachael!! Here we are in 2 photos - outside my house and in a restaurant. I had a great week with her! The first few days were in Bolga - unfortunately I had to work but Rach seemed to spend most of the time sleeping, and joined my friend Jason for a tour of the market and also came to a VSO lunch. We had a trip to Paga, to visit the slave camp which was really interesting, though we walked the longest 2km I've ever come across to get there and then 2km back again. We then went to Tamale and spent 3 days there, swimming, eating nice food, wandering in the markets and going to a random concert that lasted a few minutes!
Sorry it's taken me so long to post this Rach - must do better!

1 comment:

  1. Woo! Finally visited your blog! Apology accepted for taking so long to mention my visit, just so long as you manage to mention my next visit and include some of the comedy events! Rx
