Saturday, January 16, 2010

Let's Read!

I have just realised that I have not really explained what my job is here in Ghana. Now that I know what I'm meant to be doing, I thought I would also share it with you...

VSO works through partnerships with local organisations. The local organisation has to request the volunteer - vols are rarely placed without this request. I am working for the Bolga Municipal Education Service in a project started by 4 English head/depute head teachers. The project is called Let's Read!

LR have produced laminated cards with words, letters and pictures, which teachers are given and are then trained in how to use them. I am working in 16 schools in all - 6 in Bolga district, 5 in Talensi Nabdam (south and east of Bolga) and 5 in Kassena Nankana (north of Bolga). I am observing teachers and advising them on their lessons, team teaching (my favourite way of training), organising workshops, trying to find lead teachers (good teachers to train others), work with Circuit Supervisors (like Quality Improvement Officers), make alphabet friezes on the wall, assess children and most importantly, not get lost on the motorbike! So far I've been focussing my efforts in Bolga but am trying to expand to the other districts just now. Lots and lots to keep me busy!

The pictures - an alphabet freize in one school, and children using LR cards in another.


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