Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why you should eat all your goodies as soon as you get them…

I have just returned from Accra. We arrived in at 3am, Pat, another vol, slept on the sofa and I went off to my room. There seemed to be a bit of an odd smell there, but at 3am I didn’t care much, assumed it was my bag of dirty washing and all the dust that seems to have appeared over the week, so I changed my sheets and got into bed.

This morning, after a lazy breakfast and chat to my flatmates, I had a bucket bath and went to get dressed.. Rose helped me put my mattress – rather dusty so possibly the cause of the strange odour – outside to air. I then went to get dressed. On opening my drawers, I found the smell was worse and so pulled out my drawers to have an investigate at the back of the wardrobe. It was very dusty, but nothing else as far as I could see. On going through my drawers, however, I found some Starry Rock rock (which I had been saving for a rainy day and slightly forgotten about) all gnawed at... mice!

After squealing a little and showing Rose the rock, I got dressed and set about rinsing my clothes in that drawer (not easy when there’s not been any water since Thursday!) and sweeping out the stuff from the back of the wardrobe – using a couple of carrier bags as gloves as there was no other way to get into it. Then I felt something a little furry... then I REALLY screamed!! Thankfully, we had a Ghanaian friend over and he bravely removed the dead mouse, tail dangling from the bag... eugh!!

Next problem – cleaning up. We’ve had no water since Friday night and our supplies are running low, but we’ve now got some from the bore hole so I will use part of my ration and a lot of bleach...

Believe it or not, although, as many of you will know, I’m not all that TIDY, I’m relatively CLEAN, but cleaning out the back of my wardrobe and taking out the drawers doesn’t happen so often. No more sweets stashed in my room again!!

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