Monday, March 22, 2010

A night out......

A night out in Glasgow....

Clothing etc -
jeans, boots, nice top, cardigan, jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, hair straightened, make up and perfume on

Bag contents -
purse, phone, perhaps camera, make up, keys, ID, perhaps some extra layers

Getting there and away -
phone a taxi company you know and pay what they ask when you get there. Hope they get there on time.

A night out in Ghana

Clothing etc-
flip flops, dress, hair scraped back so that it doesnt stick to your neck in the heat, some lip balm if i remember as make up literally slides off your face

Bag contents -
purse, phone, perhaps camera, mozzy repellent, head torch, tissues and hand wash (for use at urinals), keys

Getting there and away - catch a taxi on the road, ask the price, argue with it, agree on something sensible (like 3 cedi, 1 pound 20).... and, as was the case on Saturday, take the taxi's landline number. Yes, our taxi had a proper house phone, which even had a landline number. I've no idea how he rigged it up - hilarious!

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