Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 51

I must admit, I had an idea in my head today, but couldn’t work out what photo would capture it… so I snapped my trainers.

Generally here, people are fit.  On Saturday night, we were carrying a grate of drinks back to my house.  After struggling with it between two people (not me… I was carrying Jordan), Tina (a Ghanaian friend) lifted it on to her head and carried it all the way to my house.  Often, although people  struggle to get things on and off their head, they can carry incredibly heavy things.  Children here aren’t obese or overweight.; adults cycle or walk massive distances.

Exercise is embedded into the way of life here in a way that it really isn’t at home.  People come in all shapes and sizes, but the only people who are very big are the “big men” – who are normally men who’ve done very well in business so are wealthy and won’t have to do hard, physical work.

So, maybe I don’t need a car when I’m home… bike anyone?!

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