Friday, March 18, 2011

Argument with a police officer

Perhaps not my brightest of ideas…

I was riding my bike to Navrongo to do a workshop for about 25 teachers. Stupidly, I decided to have the workshop at 11, meaning I was riding at 10am then again at 2pm, not great in the 40 degree heat.

I was stopped around 10km from Navrongo by a policeman. Of course when he pulled me aside, I complied.

Policeman: Good morning.

Me: Good morning sir. How are you?

Policeman: Fine thank you, and you?

Me: Fine thank you.

Policeman: Where are you going?

Me (slightly worried about my workshop starting in less than an hour and panicking that my driving license was not in my purse): Navrongo.

Policeman: Can you pick this lady?

Me: Erm, who?

Policeman: This lady here (pointing to a young lady standing by the roadside.)

Me: Erm… does she have a helmet?

Policeman: No. (Sees me starting to worry…) but it’s fine.

Me: Ah, but what if I’m stopped and they charge me for carrying someone without a helmet.

Policeman: (laughing at stupid sulemia) No, it’s fine. There won’t be a problem.

Me: Are you asking me to break the law and take someone without a helmet? But you’re a police officer!

Policeman: It’s not a problem. (Looking hopeful…)

Me: But what if I’m in an accident. My insurance, oh?

Policeman: It’s fine.

Me: The NGO I work for would not be happy if they found out what I was doing. I might have to leave the country (always melodramatic Rachel).

Policeman (seeing I was a lost cause…): Ok, go.

Me: Thank you sir.

Now I'm worried what happens if I cross him again…!


  1. I had a puncture just about 10km from Navrongo on the Bolga road. You're lucky the policeman didn't ask "Can you pick this gentleman and his bicycle?"

  2. I think I had a lucky escape then Mike! Hope all's well at home, as you can see I'm still loving Ghana and not wanting to leave quite yet...!
