Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 3 – Wednesday 6th October

In Ghana, I don’t take my camera with me everywhere I go – perhaps I should but its one extra thing to worry about.

Today’s picture has two reasons. Firstly, it is my new toy which I can’t wait to try out! After hearing of my difficulties trying to cook with no scales, Jane bought me this super measuring device. My flatmates were equally as excited to see it, and I’m going to attempt tablet this weekend.

However, the second reason for this picture is it made me think of something I saw today. I was visiting one of my schools, and when I arrived I saw a large group of ladies under a tree. After mistaking them for a PTA meeting, I realised they all had small children with them, and that there was an outdoor clinic going on in the school grounds. There was a very simple weighing device attached to one of the tree’s branches where babies were put in a sling at the bottom and their weight taken. It reminded me of Comic Relief scenes on TV, and was nice to see these families being cared for in Ghana.

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