Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween party

Saturday was the first VSO party, courtesy of Jillian and Jason! It was such a success that we've started planning the next one already!

You have no idea how difficult it is to come up with a costume when all you have with you is shorts, tops and skirts! Though I considered taking the green crocodile lying in my living room, I decided that being Crocodile Dundee was a bit of a cheat since someone did it last year! So we had to be very creative with the costumes. After much humming and hawing - someone in their PJs, someone with their clothes on backwards etc etc, I finally decided to go asa tortoise - khaki trousers, green top, back pack covered in African material to look like a shell. Many people thought I was an African lady with a baby on my back, but I thought it was a rather convincing outfit! I took a Ghanaian friend along and dressed her as a Christmas tree - tinsel, origami birds, the usual! Other costumes included: snow, bottles of this nice juice called Alvaro, a flipchart, a clueless man (i.e. a guy dressed in the clothes he wore when he got married), London man, Organisational Development (you have to be VSO to get that... its both the funniest and most boring thing you could be - it was hilarious!), a Ugandan marathon runner, a spider... it was great fun. The powercut halfway through didnt really matter either since it was Halloween!

Our hosts made watermelon lanterns, and we ate vodka-watermelon, toasted seeds (I'm not quite sure what...) crisps and my homemade chocolate biscuit tray bake thing - a little alternative, but so much fun!

I'll put up some photos when I work out how!

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